A great many creatures roam the vastness of the Realm. As an adventurer, and I use this term loosely, you will find yourself face to face with all of them at one point or another. In order to help my fellow Realmers, I have posted this page to relate my experiences with these creatures, both fair and foul. If I have missed any, please e-mail me with a description and a GIF if possible.

Vampire BatBATS are the weakest monsters you will encounter. Although they are small, and do little damage, they are hard to hit for those new to hunting in the Realm. Be brave, but be cautious.
Variants: Bat, Crypt Bat, Flying Rat, Screeching Horror, Vampire Bat
CyclopsCYCLOPS, as any RPGer knows, are huge humanoids with a single eye. In the world of Realm, they are not intelligent yet make up for it in raw combat power. When grouped together, they quickly make short work of an adventurer's armor. Followed by the adventurer...
Variants: Cyclops
DaemonDAEMONS, along with the Kilrogs and Devils, form the core of Duachs minions of the Netherworld. The same can be said of these woeful creatures, to beware and be cautious.
Variants: Daemon, Daemon King, Flame Daemon, Ice Daemon
DevilDEVILS are a nasty bunch, delighting in the torture and eventual death of the races that populate the Realm. Capable of stealing a creatures life force by a simple touch, devils have the potential to slay even a seasoned warrior.
Variants: Devil
Fire ElementalELEMENTALS are the manifested form of raw power that the natural forces of the Realm possess. They exist as a representation for each of the major elemental forces, with the ferocity to boot. They are a new addition to the myriad of monsters that exist already, and are quickly gaining in notoriety. The fact that more and more Realmers are attaining enough power to combat these menaces bodes well for all the races.
Variants: Air Elemental, Earth Elemental, Fire Elemental, Water Elemental
FaeryFAERIES, like their cousins the seraphs, are found about the Realm healing the weak. As children of Enid, their primary objective is a pacifistic one, although they do have the ability to defend themselves from those wicked enough to attack them. The only exception to this rule is the Dark Faeries, who have crossed over to evil to serve Duach.
Variants: Dark Faery, Faery, Faery Queen, Nymph, Pixie, Wood Nymph
Blood FenrisFENRIS WOLVES of the Realm are just a larger, tougher version of the standard wolf. They are also more dangerous, because of their increased ability to cause a larger amount of damage, as well as additional effects, depending on the variety of fenris you are up against.
Variants: Blood Fenris, Fenris, Hell Hound, Howling Terror, Young Fenris
FuryFURIES are among the most troublesome to vanquish of the monsters in the Realm. Combining their ability with magic and formidable melee ability makes them quite deadly, especially in groups.
Variants: Banshee, Fury, Ghost
Imp CitizenIMPS are troublesome little creatures that prowl the Realm looking for more ways to cause havoc for others. Whereas they may not seem intimidating, rest assured they can be a match for those unaware of their abilities.
Variants: Imp Citizen, Imp King, Imp Necromancer, Imp Slavemaster, Imp Warrior
King KilrogKILROGS are among the most fearsome of Duach's minions. They are physically powerful, and some even have spellcasting ability. Unless you count yourself a powerful individual, run in the opposite direction from these evil beings.
Variants: Kilrog, King Kilrog
OgreOGRES are massive, stupid creatures that roam many areas of the Realm, but are most prevelant in the Killing Fields, east of the town of Kurz. Regardless of the type of ogre you are facing off against, always remember that they are very strong, and capable of doing an extensive amount of damage.
Variants: Ogre, Ogre Children, Ogre Mage, Ugly Ogre
Wood RatlingRATLINGS, like the bats, are easy prey to beginning characters. However, despite their small size, not all ratlings are an easy kill. There are some varieties that have the ability to poison you, as well as others.
Variants: Arctic Ratling, Daemon Ratling, Desert Ratling, Flame Ratling, Giant Ratling, Ratling, Swamp Ratling, Wood Ratling
Seraph WarriorSERAPHS are the children of Enid, and wander about the Realm aiding those of good alignment. Although they may seem to be a pacifistic race, they do posses those trained in the arts of combat and magic.
Variants: Seraph, Seraph Queen, Seraph Thaumaturgist, Seraph Warrior
CobraSNAKES are not quite what you would think them to be. One would envision, at best a python or rattler, when listenning to a fellow Realmer describe their harrowing escape fro a snake. Then hearing his tales of smiting a group of 3 devils with no trace of fear in his voice makes you wonder if he's addled. Snakes in the Realm are among the largest, and most deadly of creatures. Not for the squeamish or the weak.
Variants: Baby Dragon, Cobra, King Cobra, Lava Snake
Troll WarriorTROLLS, like their ogre cousins, posses great strength. They also have those amongst them who have learned a talent or two in the arts of magic. You can find trolls in many of the same places as ogres, or even grouped with them. Caution, friends, they can spell the end for most inexperienced characters.
Variants: Troll, Troll Armsman, Troll Elementalist, Troll King, Troll Sorcerer, Troll Warrior
LichUNDEAD (GREATER) is a catch-all name for the more powerful of the undead creatures lurking in the tombs and dungeons located about the Realm. They are powerful in their own right, and some even possess the ability to poison you, as well as other effects.
Variants: Crypt Keeper, Lich
Damned OneUNDEAD (LESSER) are those mindless minions created by the Greater Undead. Individually they are quite weak, but when acting in concert, they can be a little difficult. For the most part though they will not be a problem for an experienced and well equipped adventurer.
Variants: Damned One, Drowned Sailor, Ghoul, Skeleton, Undead Necromancer, Zombie
Wasp WorkerWASPS in the Realm are the same in many other worlds, except here they are gigantic in proportion. They share the poisonous sting of their smaller cousins, which if left unchecked, may continue to worsen the adventurer's condition.
Variants: Wasp Drone, Wasp Warrior, Wasp Worker
WolfWOLVES of the Realm are very different from those found in most worlds. They have evolved from the basic species into those who have special combat abilities. Some posses the ability to poison you, some to cause cold damage, as well as others. They are quick and agile, and are able to attack faster and more often than one would believe is possible.
Variants: Alpha Wolf, Rabid Wolf, Winter Wolf, Wolf
WraithWRAITHS are a breed of monsters that are practically invisible, save for the bare outline of their bodies. The only way of knowing that they are about is the appearance of a suit of armor or clothing standing about, almost of their own volition.
Variants: Wraith